Sunday, July 22, 2007

defination for happiness

Pursuing happiness is most people’s goal through all whole life. However, everyone has different definitions of happiness. In my opinion, firstly, happiness is to be satisfied with what you already have. Of course, one also needs to have at least enough money to provide food, shelter, and clothing for one’s self and family—this is also important for happiness. Although, this rule sounds easy to achieve, in fact, many can not really follow it. Also, sometimes people won’t feel satisfied, even when they get what they want. In fact, they try to ask for more and never enjoy what they already have. This is why some rich people are still unhappy their life. Those of us in between these two extremes must be thankful for what we have and think about other people who has worse situation than us.

Secondly, happiness also include health which not only means physical health but also psychological. Without health in body and personality, it is difficult to pursue happiness.

Happiness is easy or difficult to achieve all depends on how people think about it. We have the right to decide which kind of life we want, everyone has the same hours per day and if you want to consume the time in pursuing happiness or suffering from sadness, it is up to the individual.


Shiya said...

Yes, happiness means really different for everyone, that's why there are rich people who's still unhappy,poor people who's really happy everyday. Well, I don't want to be neither poor nor rich, I just want the happiness,haha~

Frank | ^_^ said...

I think for you, to kill the bugs would makes you happy. Haha!^_^

montreal said...

my dear friendly and best classmante, vicky. i'm coming

i agree with you're opinion, personnally, i think that happiness for you is having good sleeping during night and kill all of insect which bit you seriously.
i houpfully!!

Alaa said...

Hi Vicky,I realy like your diffinition of happiness. you should tell me how did you do that ;)I agree with you that people alwayes ask more and never statisfied about what they have. And as you said we should alawys think about who are in worse situation than us so we will feel happy with our life....
I don't know why most of us comment on hapiness not population!!